Caris Life Sciences
"When I first started working with human plasma for proteomic mass spec analysis, I quickly ran into the well-known dynamic range issue with plasma. I tried several different standard sample preparation protocols but struggled to get adequate results. I then came across PreOmics® and their iST-BCT kit for plasma proteomics. I was pleasantly surprised that I could identify as many plasma proteins as I did by using such a relatively low amount of starting material (<2 µL of human plasma) in comparison to standard protocols, such as depletion columns or enrichment of low abundant plasma proteins. It consistently outperforms any standard methods I used in the market, and I fell in love with it due to the following reasons: overall ease of use, the very helpful color-coordinated reagents and protocol steps, and the consistently reproducible results. I’ve since tested a variety of PreOmics®' other products, the BeatBox®, iST kit, and ENRICH kit, and have been equally impressed. Instead of spending time trying to optimize mass spec sample preparation protocols like before, using PreOmics®’ products, I have more time for data analysis and interpretation, experimental design, and development of mass spec data collection methods."
Hyonson Hwang, Ph.D., Research Scientist, Caris Life Sciences