Accessing low-abundant proteins of interest in plasma, serum, CSF, and similar samples is challenging. The high dynamic range in protein concentrations and the heterogeneity and complexity pose significant obstacles for LC-MS-based proteomics, limiting access to full proteome information. In consequence, results lack robustness and reproducibility, traditional workflows are complex and time-consuming and low-abundant proteins are masked by high-abundant proteins. Thus, the impracticality of automation, the lack of flexibility and the inability to produce unbiased results impede the application for large sample cohorts.
The ENRICH-iST kit provides a robust, all-in-one solution to the dynamic range challenge in plasma, serum, CSF, and similar high-dynamic range samples. By enriching low-abundance proteins onto paramagnetic beads, it conserves analytical depth and proteome coverage while offering exceptional reproducibility (CV ~16%), scalability, and speed. With a simple protocol, the process transforms as little as 20 µL of plasma or serum into pure peptides in under 5 hours. Compatible with human and mammalian samples (e.g., mouse, rat, pig, dog) and adaptable to both manual and automated workflows, ENRICH-iST enables flexible, efficient, and reproducible processing of small-scale experiments and large sample cohorts alike.
While standard proteomics sample preparation takes up to 44 hours – the same time as flying around the world non-stop, PreOmics® kits take the same time as flying from our Munich HQ to London or from Boston to Chicago. Increase your sample throughput, improve quality and produce reliable data. It’s as easy as i-S-T!