Smile! SP3®-based sample preparation simplified

Efficient and robust bead-based protein sample preparation methodology for challenging sample types prior to LC-MS

The challenge:

Many highly efficient protein extraction and denaturation buffers contain high amounts of reagents such as detergents or high salt. These components may inhibit proteolytic digestion efficiency and are not suitable for mass spectrometry. Thus, LC-MS sample preparation often is a compromise between protein extraction efficiency, digestion efficiency and LC-MS compatibility.

The solution:

SP3® meets iST! SP3® technology utilizes unbiased protein binding to magnetic beads so additional wash steps can be used to remove harsh denaturation reagents and matrix contaminants, for example when processing FFPE tissue samples. The SP3-iST Add-on kit provides all reagents for an upstream purification step, extending the range of extraction buffers which can be used and the kit includes PreOmics®’ own SP3® LYSE reagent. The SP3-iST Add-on kit in combination with the iST family of kits provides efficient and robust sample preparation for dirty and difficult sample matrices.

Apply! Simple, streamlined workflows

1. Sample
Samples should be liquid, homogenates or a soft pellet.
2. Lyse and reduce
Add SP3 LYSE and RESUSPEND, incubate for 10 mins at 95°C.
3. SP3 binding
Add SP3 BEADS and SP3 BIND, incubate for 15 mins at RT.
4. SP3 washing
Remove supernatant using a magnetic separator, wash three times with SP3 WASH.
5. Digest on beads and continue with corresponding iST kit
Add DIGEST, and incubate for 1 – 3 hours at 37 °C. Continue with iST, iST-BCT or iST-NHS workflow.






Improved sample quality
  • High reproducibility: R2>0.9 (SP3-iST Add-on kit combined with the iST kit)
  • Working range: 1-100 µg
  • Compatible with large variety of lysis buffers
  • Shipped at RT🌿


Ultimate usability
  • Ready-to-use reagents and buffers
  • Additional time requirement: 30 mins
  • Excellent digestion efficiency
  • Works seamlessly with PreOmics® iST, iST-BCT and iST-NHS kits


High versatility
  • Increased peptide and protein identifications
  • SP3-iST Add-on facilitates iST sample preparation for challenging sample types
  • Can be automated on common liquid handling platforms


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Efficient and robust bead-based protein sample preparation methodology for challenging sample types prior to LC-MS


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Efficient and robust bead-based protein sample preparation methodology for challenging sample types prior to LC-MS


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Efficient and robust bead-based protein sample preparation methodology for challenging sample types prior to LC-MS
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SP3®-iST Add-on Kit 8x

8-sample kit
Quoted together with your iST kit of choice
SP3 beads and reagents for fast and easy protein clean-up and concentration. Quoted together with your iST kit of choice.

SP3®-iST Add-on Kit 96x

96-sample kit
Quoted together with your iST kit of choice
SP3 beads and reagents in bottles for easy use with liquid handlers. Quoted together with your iST kit of choice.
The PreOmics® products displayed are for visual representation only and may differ from those received
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