Smile! Protein and peptide sample preparation automated

Application for high throughput proteomic sample preparation for LC-MS analysis

The challenge:

How do you improve reproducibility and hands on time savings in proteomics sample preparation for LC-MS analysis when you have already addressed the challenges of time, sample contamination and loss?

The solution:

Automate! Together, PreOmics® and Hamilton®* have developed a completely automated high throughput LC-MS sample preparation workflow, combining the Hamilton® liquid handling technology with the PreOmics® iST-PSI workflow. To meet the demands of high-throughput proteomics sample preparation, this fully automated, efficient and reproducible workflow helps decrease the processing time to about 4 hours and produces high quality samples for LC-MS analysis!

*“Hamilton” is a registered Trademark of a third party

Apply! Simple, streamlined workflows

1. Adding samples
Samples should be liquid, homogenates or a soft pellet.
2. iST-PSI kit setup
Set up the iST-PSI consumables on the HamiltonMicrolab® VANTAGE Liquid Handling System®.
3. Sample preparation
Run pre-defined protocols in consultation with your automation specialist.
4. MS analysis
Analyze samples by LC-MS.
5. Data analysis
Process data to see improved peptide identities.


Figure 1: Inter-day reproducibility and comparison to manual processing.(A and B) 8 aliquots of manually prepared P. pastoris protein extracts(50 µg each) were processed on two different days, and 4 additional samples were digested with the manual procedure.(C and D) 8 samples of commercially available human plasma (each~70 µg; Sigma-Aldrich, P9523) were processed on day 1 and 2.
Figure 2: 96 sample run –  48 aliquots of manually extracted P. pastoris proteins were processed together with 48 samples of commercially available human plasma.

More detailed explanation about these results can be found on the Hamilton® application note.

Figure 1: Inter-day reproducibility and comparison to manual processing.(A and B) 8 aliquots of manually prepared P. pastoris protein extracts(50 µg each) were processed on two different days, and 4 additional samples were digested with the manual procedure.(C and D) 8 samples of commercially available human plasma (each~70 µg; Sigma-Aldrich, P9523) were processed on day 1 and 2.





Improved sample quality
  • High reproducibility: Pearson correlation > 0.93
  • Working range: 1-100 µg
  • Increased peptide and protein  identifications


Fully automated high throughput sample preparation
  • Set up and walk away, hands-free LC-MS sample preparation
  • Fully flexible, process 1 to 96 sample
  • Minimal tip usage


Cleaner peptides ready for analysis
  • Dual clean up step removes hydrophilic and hydrophobic contaminants
  • Achieve ready-to-measure peptides
  • Reduce mass spectrometry downtime
  • Standardized workflow with high data reproducibility and process safety


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Application for high throughput proteomic sample preparation for LC-MS analysis
Application for high throughput proteomic sample preparation for LC-MS analysis
Application for high throughput proteomic sample preparation for LC-MS analysis
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