Automate! Sample preparation for mass spectrometry-based proteomics

Standardized and reproducible sample preparation in drug discovery, research and applied proteomics

The challenge

Sample preparation for LC-MS has many challenges. Manual methods are labor-intensive, unreliable and prone to lack of reproducibility. Additionally achieving a robust, reliable, reproducible workflow while starting from a wide range of biologically complex sample matrices is necessary to unlock the full power of proteomics analysis.

The solution

Developing robust workflows via automation is the solution to improve reproducibility, process reliability and increase throughput of LC-MS sample preparation. PreON® enables turn-key automation of proteomics sample processing at the push of a button for many complex sample types while decreasing hands-on time to 5 minutes.


PreON® automation successfully applied from a wide range of  sample types

- Starting material: cells, biological fluids, tissues, immunoprecipitations, model organisms  and plants
- Choose to process from pellet or liquid samples
- Compatible with label-free and chemical labeling approaches

Comparison of technical variability between manual and automated PreON® sample preparation

Plasma samples processed using the automated PreON® platform showed a
1.8-fold improvement in sample-to-sample variation. Automation decreases the median %CV to 12.14 versus the 21.9 %CV when manually processing samples bringing reproducibility, reliability and robustness to LC-MS sample preparation


“Switching to the PreOmics' kits in combination with the PreON robot enabled us now to routinely focus on biomedical discoveries and not technical workflows and variations. We talk less about sample preparation and more about data analysis. Voila!"

Audry van Drogen

Lab Manager & Project Scientist, Wollscheid laboratory & ETH PHRT Swiss Multi-Omics Center Switzerland

Key benefits of PreON® automation

  • Automation for all

    No specialist knowledge required. Optimized, pre-loaded programs for all sample types with just 5 minutes user operation time

  • Rock solid results

    The power of automation combined with optimized PreOmics®' reagent kits provides unparalleled reproducibility and standardization. Be confident in your results and avoid unnecessary sample preparation and LC-MS run times

  • Improves productivity

    True automation leads to decreased failure rates in LC-MS sample preparation  increasing  lab efficiency

  • No more manual pipetting

    Improve the reliability of results by decreasing the variation due to manual pipetting. In addition, decrease the incidence of user RSI (repetitive strain injury)