Optimizing plasma and serum sample preparation for deeper, high-throughput proteome profiling

Fast and efficient sample preparation workflow targeting low-abundance proteins in plasma and serum for diagnostic and therapeutic applications

The challenge

Accessing low-abundance proteins in plasma and serum samples for LC-MS-based proteomic analysis is very challenging due to the blood complexity and high-dynamic range of proteins within the biological samples. High-abundance proteins such as albumin and immunoglobulins make up a significant portion of the specimen and limit access to low-abundance proteins, which are more likely to represent relevant biomarkers in different applications.

The solution

ENRICH-iST is an all-in-one solution involving the bead-based enrichment of low-abundance proteins, followed by digestion and purification on para magnetic beads using the PreOmics® iST-BCT protocol. ENRICH-iST is compatible with human samples and other mammalian species (e.g. mice, rats, pigs, or dogs). With scalable throughput and exceptional reproducibility, the sample preparation takes only 5h from raw samples to pure peptides, and the analysis of large cohorts is possible with established lab automation systems suitable for magnetic bead processing.



"We tested several options for biomarker discovery on plasma samples, but many were long and tedious. With the novel ENRICH technology, we have a fast, efficient, and reliable enrichment workflow to get deeper into the proteome from human plasma and serum. We use the ENRICH-iST 96x kits and are delighted by the reproducibility and ease of the kit. We really enjoyed working with the PreOmics team, who was always there to support us. We would strongly recommend the kit to other plasma and serum users."

Dr. Catherine Nury

Manager Proteomics, Philip Morris International, Switzerland

Key benefits of the ENRICH-iST technology

  • Enhanced proteome depth

    Streamlined enrichment of low-abundance plasma proteins coupled with iST proteomic sample preparation technology for enhanced plasma proteome depth

  • Fast and reliable results

    A fast, easy-to-use, and standardized protocol for high reproducibility and less hands-on time

  • Versatile technology

    Species-independent and flexible technology compatible with plasma and serum samples of different mammalian species

  • Automation friendly

    Automatable high-throughput processing of up to 96 samples in parallel in just 5h

  • Low input samples

    Optimized technique to work with low input starting material (20 μL) for large-scale proteomic studies